Monday, July 18, 2011

It was getting late so we offered to buy lunch for the Elders.  It was the first time they were tasting a McDonalds hamburger and fries since they left home.
This picture was taken by the mission office.  Notice how much this bike can carry.
This picture was taken from our window from the 9th floor.   On the left is a school, on the right there is another apartment building.  In the lower part you can see the mission van.

We buy milk in small boxes. 
This picture was taken near our apartment.
On "Preparation Day" we celebrated Christmas in July.  It is so cold, and the mountains are covered with snow.  The Elders have had their small Christmas tree in the office all month.  We decided to have a nice Christmas dinner for our hard working Elders and AP's.  We prepared the dinner in the Mission Home. Sister Taylor and I went to the Mission Home early.  Elder Taylor, Dad and the Elders arravied later.  Dad took the Small Christmas tree to the Mission Home. 
The Elders sang many of their favorite Christmas Carols before entering the Mission Home.
Brother Taylor and Dad setting out the stockings for the Elders.
Dad took care of carving the turkey.
Our Mission President, his wife the Taylors, and the Elders continued to sing Christmas Carols while Dad finished carving the big bird.
After the blessing on the food, we were all ready to eat.
This was a memorable event.  We all enjoyed sharing our favorite Christmas tradition.
Sister Taylor baked a cherry pie, a pumpking pie, and an apple pie.  The pie were sooooo delicious.

We had a tour of the Mission Home.  This home was the first building purchased by the Church 50 years. ago.  It was the mission home, the mission office, etc. etc.

Mom and Dad ready for our 20 minute walk to church.

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